Monday, June 21, 2010

Artist/Animation Collaborations Rule!!!

I've been loving Skinners art these days!!! And especially since his artwork is now more accessible through skate brand Blood Wizard! Very exciting, would love a Blood Wizard deck on my wall!!! So you can understand how super excited when I found this...

An Awesome collaboration with Eighty Four Films which reminded me of an another awesome collaboration...

The following are a collaboration between Ray Frenden and Motherland. A full breakdown including storyboards can be found on Frendens blog here.

Black Tide "Warriors of Time" No. 1 from Ray Frenden on Vimeo.

Black Tide "Warriors of Time" No. 2 from Ray Frenden on Vimeo.

Black Tide "Warriors of Time" No. 3 from Ray Frenden on Vimeo.

Black Tide "Warriors of Time" No. 5 from Ray Frenden on Vimeo.

I am inspired and would love to work with anyone on something similar!!!